What has God shown you
since Annastin was given her diagnosis?
"God has shown me the story of
Abraham, just like the Lord
provided a ram for Abraham. He will also provide
for us. God is wanting us to pray in faith. Not asking the Lord
for Anna's healing, but thanking Him because it's already been done."
~Bro. Antonio Pearson
What has God shown you through all the
events that have taken place in your life
in the past few years?
"God has taught me to trust Him.
Sometimes, I stress myself and worry so
much, but I will trust Him He will
always work it out."
Trust in the Lord with all you heart;
do not depend on your own
understanding. - Proverbs 3:5
~Sis. Joni Herndon
"Our God is good! He seeks our
praise and our worship. He has shown
me that if I will continually give Him
my praise and my worship, He is there
to give me more of His wonderful,
peaceful, loving presence. I love my Jesus."
~Sis. Agnes McClain
Becoming a mother at a young age taught
me countless things. When I asked Damian what
he would say if someone asked what kind of mother
he has, his response was, "My mother is sweet. She
takes good care of me. She doesn't let me starve, but
sometimes she's a pain!" Through 19 years of being a
mother, the one place I always know to turn is to God.
Without Him, I don't know where Damian would be.
~Jenifer Flatt
Father's Day Testimony
"Father's Day is a time for celebration of some of the
absolute best people on this earth. Dad's are great. Just take mine
for example. My dad, Terry Pearcy, is so encouraging and caring
and ultimately wants the best for me no matter what.
He always supported me whether it be taking me to church
or coming to every single game I've ever had unless he has to work.
If you have a father in your life never take them for granted."
~Konner Pearcy
And my God will supply all your needs according
to His reches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
"The Lord has blessed me and my family in so many ways
I can't tell them all. He is so good to us. Just when I think
we can't go on, He will supply no matter what it is. It can be
some of the smallest things, but just enough to let me know He's
still with us and providing our every need and sometime's our
wants. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me. I can't complain."
~Sis. Brandi Newton